Join Our Cause

Join Hands to Help Economically Weaker Students

Education is a fundamental right of every child, but unfortunately, not every child has access to it due to financial constraints. Many economically weaker students in our society are struggling to get basic education, which hinders their learning and development. However, we can make a difference by joining our hands to help these students.


ASAP GLOBAL SCHOOL strives to provide education to students from low-income families who are unable to afford basic stationary items such as pencils, erasers, notebooks, and rulers. Unfortunately, these students are often unable to participate in classroom activities, hindering their learning and development. It is heartbreaking to see these students struggle to access education, which is a fundamental right. Without access to basic tools, they are being left behind, unable to reach their full potential.

We appeal to you all to join hands and contribute towards this noble cause by donating your unused or half-used stationary items of your school going children. Your small donation can make a huge impact on the lives of these children.

Together, we can make a difference and create a positive change in the world. We urge you to spread the word among your friends and family and encourage them to contribute to this cause.

Please drop off your stationary items at the designated drop-off point at our school or contact us for pick-up arrangements. Let's do our part in making this world a better place for all.

Make your child's birthday a day to remember and make a difference in someone's life by celebrating with a social cause. At ASAP GLOBAL SCHOOL, we offer the perfect opportunity to do so by organizing a birthday party for underprivileged children. By doing this, not only will your child have an unforgettable birthday celebration, but you'll also be contributing to making a positive impact on the lives of those who are less fortunate.

At your child's birthday party, you have the opportunity to include underprivileged children who are currently studying at ASAP GLOBAL SCHOOL. To make the celebration even more special, you can provide food, decorations, games, and fun activities for the children to enjoy. Giving out birthday favors or gifts to each child is also a great way to help make their day memorable.

Celebrating your child's birthday with underprivileged children is a great way to teach your child about empathy, generosity, and social responsibility. Your child will learn the importance of giving back to the community and helping those who are less fortunate. It can also be a great opportunity for your child to make new friends and learn about different cultures and backgrounds.

Celebrating your child's birthday at ASAP GLOBAL SCHOOL with underprivileged children is a wonderful way to support a social cause while creating a memorable and meaningful experience for your child. It's a win-win situation that can make a big difference in the lives of those who are less fortunate. So why not give it a try and make your child's next birthday celebration an extra special one?

If you're looking for a way to give back to society while having a unique and meaningful experience, consider volunteering to teach underprivileged children at ASAP GLOBAL SCHOOL. By sharing your knowledge and skills with these children, you'll be making a difference in their lives and helping them build a better future.

At ASAP GLOBAL SCHOOL, we believe that education is a fundamental right that should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their socioeconomic background. That's why we offer education programs for underprivileged children who may not have access to quality education.

As a volunteer, you can help these children by providing academic support, mentoring, or teaching specific subjects. You can also help organize extracurricular activities or assist with administrative tasks.

Volunteering at ASAP GLOBAL SCHOOL can be a unique and memorable experience that will enrich your life as well as the lives of the children you work with. You'll have the opportunity to learn about different cultures, build meaningful relationships, and make a lasting impact on the community.

In addition, volunteering at ASAP GLOBAL SCHOOL can help you develop valuable skills such as communication, leadership, and teamwork. These skills can be valuable in both personal and professional contexts, and can help you grow as an individual.

If you're interested in volunteering at ASAP GLOBAL SCHOOL, we welcome you to get in touch with us. We offer a range of volunteering opportunities, and we'll work with you to find a role that suits your skills and interests.

Why not consider volunteering today? Volunteering at ASAP GLOBAL SCHOOL is a great way to support a social cause, make a difference in the lives of underprivileged children, and have a unique and memorable experience. It's an opportunity to learn, grow, and give back to society.


Join us in this noble cause and help these economically weaker students get the education they deserve. Donate your unused or half-used stationary items today and make a positive impact on their lives. Together, we can make a difference.