Curriculum at ASAP Global School

At ASAP Global School, we believe in providing a well-rounded education that goes beyond traditional academics. Our curriculum is carefully designed to offer a comprehensive learning experience, fostering the holistic development of our students. We offer a range of clubs, sports activities, excursions, and creative outlets to enhance their skills, promote teamwork, and nurture their passions. Explore the exciting components of our curriculum below:

1. Clubs and Hobbies:
We encourage students to explore their interests and develop new skills through our diverse range of clubs and hobbies. Whether it's robotics, coding, public speaking, drama, or photography, our clubs provide opportunities for students to pursue their passions and engage in collaborative and hands-on activities. These clubs allow students to build leadership qualities, enhance their creativity, and develop new friendships. read more...

2. Sports Activities:
Physical fitness and sports play an integral role in our curriculum. We offer a wide range of sports activities that promote teamwork, discipline, and a healthy lifestyle. From badminton, football, and cricket to athletics, and yoga, students have the opportunity to participate in both competitive and recreational sports. Our expert coaches guide students in developing their skills, fostering sportsmanship, and encouraging a lifelong love for physical activity. read more...

3. House System:
At ASAP Global School, we follow a unique House System that fosters healthy competition, camaraderie, and leadership among students. Students are assigned to different houses, creating a sense of belonging and encouraging teamwork. Inter-house competitions, such as debates, quizzes, and sports events, provide students with opportunities to showcase their talents, collaborate with peers, and develop valuable life skills. read more...

4. Trips and Excursions:
We believe that experiential learning outside the classroom is essential for a well-rounded education. Our curriculum includes regular trips and excursions that provide students with opportunities to explore and learn from real-world experiences. These trips may include visits to museums, historical sites, nature reserves, industries, and cultural events. Such experiences broaden students' horizons, foster a sense of curiosity, and deepen their understanding of the world around them. read more...

5. Art and Craft Studio:
Creativity is nurtured through our dedicated Art and Craft Studio. Students explore various art forms, including painting, sketching, sculpture, and crafts. Our skilled art teachers provide guidance and encourage students to express themselves artistically, fostering their imagination and aesthetic sensibilities. The Art and Craft Studio serves as a space where students can experiment, innovate, and develop their artistic talents. read more...

6. Dance and Music:
We recognize the importance of performing arts in a well-rounded education. Our curriculum includes dedicated dance and music classes where students can learn different dance styles, musical instruments, and vocal techniques. Our experienced instructors inspire students to express themselves through rhythm, melody, and movement. Students have opportunities to participate in performances, talent shows, and cultural events to showcase their talents. read more...

7. Other Enriching Activities:
In addition to the above, our curriculum offers a range of other enriching activities to provide a well-rounded educational experience. These may include public speaking competitions, science fairs, debates, environmental initiatives, and community service projects. We believe in nurturing leadership skills, encouraging social responsibility, and fostering a sense of global citizenship among our students.

At ASAP Global School, our comprehensive curriculum ensures that students receive a holistic education that goes beyond textbooks and classrooms. We are committed to providing a nurturing and stimulating environment that allows students to explore their interests, develop their talents, and become well-rounded individuals. Join us in providing your child with an educational journey filled with opportunities for growth, creativity, and lifelong learning.